Coursework is a type of student learning work, in which there are elements of independent scientific research. Writing such assignments prepares students for the creation of the main work that serves as the result of the training: thesis. Writing course projects develops such trainee skills as selecting and clearly formulating the research topic, collecting suitable material using scientific literature and sources, sorting and logical systematization of the collected material, writing an understandable text in compliance with the necessary generally accepted rules and important design standards.

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The purpose of coursework

High school coursework aims to develop skills related to the search and understanding of the necessary information that goes beyond the clear scope of the list of established and compulsory literature. In the course of its execution, a student learns to analyze sources, correctly state the results obtained in studies.

Every student has to deal with such questions: How good is to write a term paper? Where to begin? In fact, this is not very difficult; you just need to work well on the topic, additional literature and other materials. To begin, of course, you need to select a topic. In this case, you should follow some rules:

  • The topic should be as interesting as possible. Work on an absolutely uninteresting topic turns into forced labor and as a result, does not bring any benefit. To select a topic, you can use the approximate theme of high school coursework, available in any department.
  • A sufficient amount of literature should be available on this topic.
  • The literature available on this topic should be sufficiently clear.

Thus, when writing a term paper, it is important to avoid both too broad and too narrow topics.

The next most important point of the high school coursework is the preparation of the plan. A well-thought-out and clear plan will save you from unnecessary work, keeping you from trying to include in the text absolutely everything that the student will find on her problem, and even beyond that. In addition, this will allow you to plan a schedule for writing work. The high school coursework plan is essentially a brief description of its logical structure, including major and minor issues, various classifications, etc. Therefore, it should clearly distinguish the main sections and subsections, which, in turn, can be divided into smaller parts.

Step-by-step instructions for registration of the coursework:

  1. Registration of the title page. Usually, the title page in the term paper is made out according to the model given in the training manual. It should contain the following information: the name of the educational institution, the topic of the high school coursework, the name of the specialty, the name and initials of the teacher and student, the city where the educational institution is located and the year of writing the coursework.
  2. Drawing up the content. Each new content item must be linked to the previous one. Identical names of sections in the content are not allowed. Each item of content should consist of only one sentence, no more.
  3. Writing an introduction.

In the introduction you need:

  • show the relevance of the chosen topic and the degree of its scientific elaboration
  • explain why you chose this particular topic
  • formulate the goals and objectives of the study
  • list the main literature and information sources and research methods
  1. The main part of the course – the most voluminous section, which consists of a comprehensive, detailed disclosure of the topic. All information should be summarized, following the exact structure. One paragraph must be a continuation of the other.
  2. Writing the practical part of the work. This section is designed according to the requirements specified in the training manual. Usually, it is a set of calculations, drawings and tables.
  3. Conclusiona section that summarizes all the results. It contains all the conclusions, answers to the questions asked in the introduction, highlights the place of coursework in modern science, assesses the positive and negative aspects of the student’s work.
  4. Making a list of references. This section should contain at least 20 different sources. First, documents and regulations are specified, if any, then a list of books and textbooks are written in alphabetical order, and at the end, Internet resources are added, if you use them.
  5. Design applications. This section includes tables, documents, regulations and other materials related to a given topic. Applications should not be numbered.

On the defense of high school coursework, it is important to have the knowledge that the student used when writing. When protecting it is important to be calm and confident. Always defend your opinion, but also listen to other thoughts. Then guaranteed to be the best estimate.

So, the coursework is one of the most important and promising types of research activity in the system of secondary and higher educational institutions that develops the ability to solve research problems, self-orient in the scientific literature, successfully apply the theoretical.